I am currently nearing the end of my first trimester and I wanted to do a q+a to answer all of your questions. I always loved reading these blog posts and I thought it would be fun for those that are also expecting or just have questions about pregnancy.

how did you know you were pregnant?
The week I took the test my period was a day late. My boobs were sore and THEY ARE NEVER sore before a period. My skin was also great which was very weird… I usually have bad breakouts before/during my period. I knew something was going on.
were you trying to get pregnant?
Yes! We weren’t necessarily doing everything to track my ovulation, but we definitely weren’t preventing it.
how long did it take you to get pregnant?
Before I answer this question, I want to say that if you are struggling with getting pregnant my heart goes out to you. If this upsets you in anyway, know that your feelings are valid and I’m sending all the baby dust your way!
I am so thankful that it did not take Bradley and I very long to get pregnant. We decided at Christmas that we were going to start trying and I got pregnant in February. That pregnancy ended in a very early miscarriage and we got pregnant again in March.
when are you due?
I’m due November 19th! Thanksgiving baby!
have you had any cravings/how are you feeling now?
Surprisingly not really. I haven’t been craving sweets like I thought I would (except donuts every now and then). Honestly, I’ve had really bad food aversions so I haven’t been eating a ton. One day something will sound okay to eat, and the next day just thinking about it grosses me out. I am very thankful that I haven’t had a ton of morning sickness. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve felt nauseous and I am so grateful for that. I have also felt pretty bloated and I AM SO TIRED ALL THE TIME. I never take naps and I have to take at least 1 nap a day. I’m also out of breath 90% of the time.
are you taking any prenatal vitamins?
Yes! I’ve been taking these for the last 5ish months.
do you know the gender?
We are doing a gender reveal in June! I will be 18 weeks!
how and when did you tell everyone?
We will be posting a YouTube video soon of everyone’s reactions so make sure you are subscribed to our channel so you don’t miss it!
do you have a bump yet?
If you were to see me out and about you would say no, but I feel like I notice a little something. I’ve always had a little pooch but I feel like it looks different now. It’s almost more pointy or something. haha
have you been working out?
NO! I have been way too exhausted to do anything. Once I get more of my energy back I plan to start doing my Obe Fitness workouts again. I love these workouts because they have a ton of different types of classes, even prenatal and postnatal. You can get a 2 week free trial here.
will we be in the new house before baby comes?
Yes! We should be all moved in for 3ish months before baby comes.
do we have any nicknames for baby?
We’ve been calling baby “Baby Bean” because it looked like a little bean when we first saw it. 🙂
do we have any names picked out?
We have a couple that we like but nothing set in stone yet!
As always, all opinions and text are my own.