question #1 : Did we wait until 6 months?
We got the go ahead from our doctor to start purees at 4 months. Rowen was showing all the signs she was ready so we started giving her purees 1-2 times a day. When she was 5.5 months we tried giving her a whole banana and some avocado, both days she threw up in her crib and had bad gas. After the 2nd throw up experience we decided to wait and to continue only giving her purees. A couple weeks later, after she turned 6 months, we decided to try again and it has been smooth sailing so far.
question #2 : How did we start?
We started by giving her the simple foods : banana, avocado, mashed potatoes. We started with a lot of very soft, easily smushed foods.
question #3 : How do we prepare the food?
I found the solid starts app and it is super helpful! The app is free, but to get all the extra perks you have to pay a monthly/yearly small fee. This app shows you how to serve food depending on your baby’s age. I search the food I want to feed Rowen and serve it the way it shows! Their Instagram (@solidstarts) also has a ton of great free tips!
question #4 : How often does Rowen eat?
Rowen started off only eating dinner. Now that she is a year old, she eats breakfast, lunch and dinner with a few snacks in between. She eats a lot!!
question #5 : Has she choked?
I was so scared about Rowen choking. I’m still uneasy about it honestly… but she hasn’t choked. She has gagged… a lot! Whenever she gags we try to encourage her, smile, and tell her good job so she knows not to be scared. She has taken some huge bites and has done great with them!
question #6 : Did we do purees?
Yes! We did a mix of solids and purees. Rowen loved her purees and we wanted her to get all textures so we incorporated them into her meals for the first month or two.
question #7 : Does Rowen have teeth?
When we first started Rowen didn’t have any teeth. Now that she is 1 year old she has 8 teeth! Your baby doesn’t have teeth to start solid food… you just have to know how to prepare it (solids starts app).
question #8 : Does Rowen have any favorites yet?
It seems like every new food she tries is her new favorite. She currently loves avocado toast, beans, steak, and cinnamon rolls!
question #9 : Are we giving Rowen water?
Yes! We give her a little bit when she eats dinner. She is obsessed with water! We wanted to introduce an open cup early so she drinks it out of a mini cup (linked below)! She also gets a straw cup and is able to have that out throughout the day and drink it when she wants.
questions # 10 : Does Rowen get bottles?
Yes! Until she turned one her main source of nutrition was from her formula, so she drank 4 bottles a day. Now that she is one, we are slowly weaning her off bottles and onto whole milk. She gets a cup of whole milk with her meals and water whenever she’s not eating.
As always, all opinions and text are my own.