First off, CONGRATS! I know this time is so exciting but can also be very exhausting, literally. I will be 17 weeks tomorrow and it is flying by! Although I had a fairly easy first trimester, I know for most it can be the hardest time. I want to share some essentials that helped me get through it. I also shared a 12 week q+a where I talked about all of my symptoms, you can read that here.

1. Prenatal Vitamins

I am no doctor so please talk with your doctor if you have any questions, but I started taking these prenatal vitamins a couple months before we started trying. I know some prenatal vitamins can make some women sick but I never had a problem with these.
2. Water Bottle

LET’S GET HYDRATED. I struggled drinking enough water the first trimester. Once I got a water bottle that I could take everywhere, it got a lot easier. Especially when the water bottle is cute. 🙂
3. Pregnancy App

There’s a ton of pregnancy tracking apps out there. I have found the What to Expect app to be the best. Bradley and I love watching the weekly videos on how baby is growing and what is happening to my body. Not only does it do a great job of keeping you informed on what is happening with your baby, it also has a great community feature where you can ask questions and learn form other moms.
4. Pregnancy Journal

It is never too early to start journalling! Although the first trimester might be one you don’t want to remember, I guarantee you will want to look back and reminisce. I searched and searched for a cute pregnancy journal and stumbled across this one. I love it because it is divided into the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters. Each sections has a place to put photos, write down symptoms, keep important dates and milestones, and much more.
5. Foam Roller

Not only is this great for the 1st trimester, it is great for the whole pregnancy. My back gets tighter everyday and foam rolling it has definitely helped. I try to foam roll every other day and before/after every workout.
6. Chapstick

It seemed like my lips were always chapped in the first trimester. This Burt’s Bees chapstick is my favorite.
7. Comfy/Stretchy Pants

I lived in everything stretchy. Although I didn’t really look pregnant, I felt bloated all the time. I wore my favorite Old Navy Joggers almost everyday and these are very similar. When you are exhausted and felling not great, it’s nice to feel comfy.
8. Tylenol

Again, I am no doctor so consult your doctor if you have any questions. My doctor told me that Tylenol was okay to take during pregnancy. Although I only took it once or twice, I had a couple of days that my headaches were really bad. It was nice to get some temporary relief.
9. Comfy Bra

This might be TMI… but my boobs were SO SORE the whole first trimester. This might be really TMI… but my nips were hard as a rock 24/7 and still are. hahah Just keeping it real. This is my favorite bra. It is very lightweight and feels like you aren’t even wearing a bra.
- “Bumpin” : I just bought this book but haven’t started it yet. I like how it doesn’t feel like I’m reading a college textbook. I also have “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”.
- Senokot-S Dual : a natural laxative. You may experience constipation and these pills are amazing. They don’t make you feel like you have to run to the bathroom, it’s more of a slow process.
- Crackers : great if you are experiencing naseau.
- TUMS : I bounced between consitapation and diarrhea so these were very helpful.
As always, all opinions and text are my own.