WE ARE UNDER CONTRACT! Not pregnant… that was a little mean… sorry Mom.
Now before I start I’m going to let you in on a little Realtor secret (because I am a Realtor). Just because we are “under contract” DOES NOT mean the house is ours. There is so much that goes on during this time that can change if we get the house. BUT, this is what’s currently going on in our lives, so I want to share it with you.
We are so excited to finally be under contract! This process has been C R A Z Y ! I don’t think either of us thought we would be where we are at the beginning of all of this. We are so far from where we started, in every aspect, price, location, type of home, size, everything! But we feel that this is where we are meant to be, so we are so excited.
We started the process looking for more of a fixer-upper. Something we would only be in for 3-5 years that we could fix up and flip or rent once we wanted to move. We were looking for this until we happened to drive through this one neighborhood… we fell in love. Now we are buying a house in that neighborhood and plan to live there for 10 years! This house is a great option to raise kids in and if we wanted to stay there for 10 years we could!
It’s a little scary buying a house! It’s a big investment, but it’s also the best investment you can make. That part makes Bradley happy… well the BEST investment part, not the BIG investment part.
Our house doesn’t really look like a house yet. It won’t be done until the middle of this year… and a lot has to happen during this time. Make sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook to get the latest updates. If you have any questions about the home buying process leave them in the comments below!

So I’m convinced that God definitely has a sense of humor. I wrote this blog post right after we signed papers to go under contract last Friday. That same day we found out that we weren’t able to do something that we were told we could, so ultimately we terminated the contract this last Monday…
We are back on the house hunt! I was definitely bummed about losing this house, but we are both at peace with it. Bradley and I feel like everything happens for a reason and that we are where God wants us to be. We are back to looking for something that has a smaller price tag and that we can live in for a couple years and turn into our first rental property. I’m starting to lose steam looking for a house, so we are hoping we find something soon!
I will continue to keep y’all updated and if you have any questions about the process leave them in the comments below!
As always, all opinions and text are my own.
Stay Sweet! ♡