If you read my Mothers’ Day gift guide then you read what my sister’s and I were planning to get my Mom. My Mom told us that for every Mother’s Day she wants a picture of her 3 daughters… so that’s what we did! Bradley, my sisters, and I went out to a local lake and took pictures! I gotta say… I think they turned out pretty good!
We COULD NOT decide on what colors to wear. At first we tried to do a pink/blue theme, but quickly found out we didn’t have a ton of options in our closets. We could’t go shopping because of Covid19 and we couldn’t get anything shipped to us fast enough. We ended up deciding on white/tan. i love wearing lighter colors in pictures because I feel like ti allows the subject to really shine. I’m sharing the details of what we wore and linking all of our outfits below.

Outfit Details
Outfit #1
Outfit #2
Outfit #3
Outfit #4
As always, all opinions and text are my own.
Stay Sweet! ♡